Mark A. Cross Resumé

also online at Actors Access

The Bold & The BeautifulPrincipal (Dr. Plotnikov)CBS
The Bold & The BeautifulPrincipal (Medical Examiner)CBS
PassionsDay Player (Coroner)NBC
Death VoiceStarringHeart Ran Films
The DealStarringStaircase Films
The Card GameStarringUSC Film
Maria’s DayStarring
USC Film
Once Upon A MorningStarringUSC Film; dir. Jon Mete
Dead Men Don’t Call BackStarringUSC Film; dir. Jon Mete
He’s Having a BabyStarringUSC Film
Cat On A Hot Tin RoofGooperNeighborhood Playhouse; dir. Brady Schwinn
City of AngelsBig SixChromolume Theatre Company
What the Butler SawDr. RanceLittle Fish Theatre; dir. Melanie Jones
Judy’s Scary Little Christmas (World Premiere)DeathVictory Theatre; dir. Kay Cole
Jump Kiss (World Premiere)HusbandNative Voices at the Autrey
The Taming of the ShrewPetruchioMountain Actors Conservatory
La BêtePrinceJudy Bayley Theatre, Las Vegas
ArcadiaCapt. BriceSierra Madre Playhouse; dir. Barbara Schofield
The FanCoronatoCulver City Public Theatre
The West IndianBelcourtTheatre in the Park, Culver City
The Taming of the ShrewPetruchioThe Theatre Group, LA
Actors for Children, LA
Men Without DatesBartenderHaunted Studios, Hollywood
Etta JenksJamesBing Theatre, USC
The Lady’s Not For BurningTysonGreenroom Theatre, USC
End of the World With Symposium to FollowTrentActors Studio of Tulsa
Our TownGeorgeNichols Theatre, Manhattan, KS
A Lie of the MindJakeNichols Theatre, Manhattan, KS
The Real ThingHenryNichols Theatre, Manhattan, KS
The Constant WifeJohnNichols Theatre, Manhattan, KS
27 Wagons Full of CottonViccaroPurple Masque Theatre, KS
Woman In MindBillPurple Masque Theatre, KS
Industrial/Training Videos
Not All Fire Resistance is Created EqualStarring/NarratorApplied Concepts
Know Your FRStarring/NarratorApplied Concepts
Learning Tree Industrials (3)Leaddir. Leigh Gregory
Conflict and Stress ManagementLead
School Time StressCo-Starring
Music Videos
“little salvation” by DraglinePrincipal (Drunk Man)dir. Albert Salaz Jr.
“Electrogun” by ElectrostaticPrincipal (Angry Man)dir. James Gerrity
Producer: A Memoir by David L. Wolpernarratoravailable on audible